Monday, January 24, 2011

~~Gift from my friend~~

    One of the best friends I have made after coming to NYC is Muhammad from Pakistan one of my classmates. There are many things which we share between us like cricket matches,festivals which can't share with the rest of the class. More than that the food we eat has lots of similarities. Like I have my Gujju cook he found a guy from queens who used to deliver him food every week and his room his a minute walk from our college. Once or twice a week when the menu is good and fresh I used to go his room and have lunch. We used to discuss a lot from politics to sport.

Muhammad  went to vacation to his hometown. He asked me what I need from Pakistan and  as usual I said what ever is good there. He returned back yesterday and gave me a big package , it had  a pull over and a wonderful t shirt ( can you tell me what would be the reaction if I wore that and went out :) ? ) ,apart from few packets of snacks and instant coffee.

Its pity I had to come to other side of the world to know more about my neighbouring country and make friends!


  1. heyy...I also felt the same way when making friends with people from Pakistan, Bangladesh and Sri pinch :)
    btw...nice t-shirt :)

  2. @Sri
    I had similar experiences. The only difference is there were 2 Pak girls :) Usually, folks here can't differentiate between Desis, Paks and Bangaldeshis. The differences are "British made" in '47.

  3. @Sri
    Forgot to add: "Act Single" is the key operative word :)

  4. @Sundu,
    May be its for us; Why does Sri have to 'Act Single ', when he is actually a Single :)

  5. @Siva
    Agree. I never said it applies to Sri :) :) :)
