Sunday, January 23, 2011

~~New world trade center~~

  NYSE and FED are the buildings very close to ground zero and most of the people who work there have witnessed live on what happened on 9/11. When we are at NYSE the person who was giving the lecture was narrating what happened on that day ,how they were affected ,the consequences they had to face afterwards and how their way of life changed afterwards.

So once I was out from NYSE I decided to check on ground zero and the progress of the new building , it was great to the new world trade center is coming quicker and more stronger. Its already higher than the current high rise building around that area. Once built it would be the largest building in whole of the Western Hemisphere.

Its the place which changed the world we live in!

1 comment:

  1. how wonderful it would be if lost lives can also be replaced like the fallen towers!
