Tuesday, January 25, 2011

~~Happy Republic day~~

  When I was a kid every Republic day I used to go to BHEL stadium not that I m keen on seeing the parade but my dad invariably used get some sort of medal gold or silver for the dedicated work he did for his company and I will be the only representative from his family to clap hands when he receives it.Then there will be  events by fire fighters,watch dogs then few dances by kids and once the event is over I used to get the medal from my dad wear it all the to home. Sweet memories!

Now I m in other side of the world watching State of Union Address !

Below video link I liked!


  1. Happy Republic day!!! Awesome video!!! I am stealing the link!!!

  2. Hey Sri, I attended the '94 BHEL Republic day celebs and your Dad did receive a medal for saving 100s of lakhs of Rs. for BHEL :) I also remember the kids performing "ஒட்டகத்தை கட்டிக்கோ " which was a smashing hit that year :)
