Monday, September 27, 2010

~~Rain in the city~~

Today morning when I got up I could see it was raining outside and when I was ready to leave home I was happy that this was the first time I am going to use an umbrella after carrying it uselessly for the past few months. As soon as I went on to the street I opened the umbrella to protect myself from the rain.All was well for a while then wind started blowing and turned my umbrella upside down and I had to protect the umbrella from the wind. It took lots of effort to position it against the wind and walk to the college .When I finally reached college I was half drenched but my umbrella was safe !


  1. i was imagining and laffing :)))

  2. hey Sri..ditch your upside down umbrella and get a golf umbrella...will even have room for two :))

  3. But Shiel Sri is still single ready "not" to mingle

  4. hey my fav song "andhi mazhai pozhihirathu" from Rajapaarvai. Luv the umbrella used in the scene. May give u inspiration as rainy days are ahead :))

  5. Sheila your advise taken!
    will buy a golf umbrella this weekend :)
