Tuesday, September 28, 2010

~~Pics I liked~~

Over this week I came across different pictures some were funny, some mind blowing and some were realistic.

1)Europe from different countries perspective

2)Fathers , Mothers and Brothers (From Reddit)

3) Fall in the air (from Boston Big picture)


  1. Nice set of photos. Enjoyed the Fall foliage photos which reminded me of the New England Fall season. Priya must be enjoying it right now. I envy her :)

  2. Great pictures!!

    First map reminds me worldmapper.org. Check this out it provides lots of good map.

    # of movies watched is also captured in map.


  3. Nice pics. Very interesting to see Europe pics from different countries perspective.
    My favorite season...Fall in New England...the only season I miss :)

  4. @Sundu,
    yes, I do.when I saw the colour changes for the first time, I couldn't believe it, who says there is no power beyond us, If there is no power, we wont see this! I enjoy every moment when i drive from Nashua, NH to Bedford MA every day!
    Inviting all of you to see the wonderful fall in New England! Let's gather here, in New England for fall & for X-mas in SD.
    Sriram,Diana & Ganesha you got more chances to come early. Catcha a greyhound bus and land here....

    wonderful picutes.

  5. KG,
    you are also invited! Special Invitation!

  6. @Sathi
    cool link :)

    will catch the bus one day :)

  7. thanks for the invite Priya...images of fall foliage are always fresh in my memory :)

  8. @Priya
    I still remember the '92 Fall foliage trip. It was our first NE Fall foliage experience. We were stopping the car every few miles and taking tons of photos :)

  9. @ Priya,

    Thanks for the invitation. We will let you know when we come there, not this fall

  10. aaaha..O' Priya...
    will keep your "special" in mind :)
