Sunday, September 26, 2010

~~Nash Equilibrium~~

Last week in the class we were introduced to the concept of game theory. In that there is something called as Nash equilibrium which was discovered John Forbes Nash. The movie A beautiful mind is loosely based upon his life. A concept which tells that there is nothing to gain if you choose your decision unilaterally.

Below is the clip which explains it in a better way from the movie!


  1. @Sri
    Well said. "Nothing to gain if you choose your decision unilaterally".

    The clip is interesting :) I had missed this movie since it is a kind of serious movie. Now, will check it out in Netflix.

  2. yea Sundu except for this clip its a serious movie more like shutter island!

  3. Hey, I liked Shutter Island. Not a run-of-the-mill movie. In addition, the story happens in an island off Boston.

  4. Haha then u might like Beautiful mind as some parts were pictured in MIT :)

  5. heard a lot abt that movie...but didn't think i could sit throught it :)
