Friday, September 17, 2010

~~Millennium Development Goals~~

Millennium Development Goals(MDG) will be the topic of discussion when all the world leader gather at UN headquaters at NYC next week for the annual summit. One thing I like about the UN is it the place filled with scholars across the world who know all the problems which the world is currently facing and also know the solutions for the same but its pity that the organization has no power to make countries across the world to account themselves on what they do. Most of the countries economic policy is aimed at acheiving short run goals but what UN targets is sustainable development in the world.

MDG's are set of goals set by member countries when they met for the millennium summit in the year 2000.They are
The ambitious part of it is that they have targeted it acheive these goals by the end of year 2015.
We had a session yesterday from the people of UN giving us the status updates on how far they were able to meet the goals.One major factor mentioned in the topic was how India and China were able to lift lives of 400 million people from poverty over the last 10 years.So the major reason is the economic growth witnessed by these countries during that period contributed to that fact.So UN is think tank is trying apply the similar models for sub Saharan African countries few central Asian countries and Latin American countries.

Its simple that we know the way to eradicate these problems but we need the will from the countries to do the same.

1 comment:

  1. 8 Goalla onnu kooda work out aagura maathiri theriyilaye
