Saturday, September 18, 2010

~~Preparing Resume~~

Resume writing is one of the challenging jobs I have to do now. Its something which I have to write about myself making sure whatever each and every sentence is true as well making a positive impact.Being a modest person(!) I always get struck while writing one.

Good thing about US resumes is we need to fill whatever we want just in a single sheet,making my task little easier. Today morning I started preparing one in US format and by late noon I completed more than 5 sentences and was scratching my head by then Diana called said lets meet up today evening. I put everything aside and went to downtown :)


  1. Wow!!!....great u got atleast 5 sentences :)

  2. those 5 sentences are date name address email education :)

  3. "Oh! sri, great beginning, you left out dob :)

  4. Online resume making is the only option to make your impression.
