Thursday, September 16, 2010

~~Storm in NYC~~

Today morning when I checked my usual weather forcast it was predicted that there will be light rain in today.So I took out my umbrella when I left my room as usual it was clear sky. After getting MMR vacination from a cute nurse I left for my classes. When classes got over in the evening we had a session from people from UNO giving a talk about Milleinum development goals(will try to write about this later). When there were signs it had rained but no use for the umbrella.

I was walking back to my home my friend called and asked me how was the storm in NYC and I was wondering what he was talking about. I went back to my room and checked NY Times there were lots pictures about the strom and the effects in the city.

As usual my weather bug in my laptop is not giving accurate results as it predicted a slight showers when there was a thunder strom rocking the city.


  1. One of the best jobs in the US:

    A Meteorologist can be wrong most of the time and people still listen. Gets paid well too :)

  2. Too bad you didn't get a chance to dance in the rain (with the cute nurse) :)

  3. Sri,
    Next time when it rains don't carry an umbrella..start doing Bhangra in the Rain. It doesn't matter whether you get wet or dress get wet...the thing is, you must live in present moment!
