Thursday, July 15, 2010

~~Traffic in NYC~~

One another thing I can relate NYC with India are the common traffic jams occur during the morning and evening hours. Having a car in NYC is the last thing people want.Its huge burden most of the time will be lost on the road and finding a parking space.Being the most populated city in US space is major constraint here.

One good thing about the city is the public transportation,more than 60% of the people use this system to come to office where as in rest of the country 90% of people use their own cars.My professor talked about how the good transportation changes cities structure. A city with good public transportation system is really a boon its people and how much money can be saved per year due to that.

1 comment:

  1. Sri, it is true in most of the developed countries - ppl depend on lots of "transportation choices" to commute.
    and certainly it makes life more easier.

    Doha is planning to have metro by 2022, provided it wins World cup bid :)...till is "then kaarae thanaku udhavi" :)
