Wednesday, July 14, 2010

~~Food from NJ~~

Lots of people who call or chat with me ask one major thing-what are you cooking/eating or how are you adapting to the food.So I thought how good people will always get great food where ever they go.

When I was preparing my journey to US many people threatened me about how am I going to manage myself adapting to the food I get or how am I going going to cook or teasing me how I will miss my grandma's food.I too had these concerns in the back of my mind because cooking for own self is the boring job and wont give any motivation,cooking a good Indian meal means washing more dishes which takes the same amount of time as cooking.

When I landed in my room in New York my room mate asked me what am I going to do for food I said I m going to manage with bread and peanut butter once I get bored of that I will try to cook something. He said there is a better option and told that I can use the services of cook from New Jersey who cooks food and delivers over the weekend.Excited by the idea I readily agreed to it. On last Saturday I received my package of food it consisted of around 20 rotis and 4 dabbas of dal,channa masala,aloo curry and french beans respectively. The food was really tasty and the whole thing is more than enough for me for the entire the week.I just had to keep rice whenever I need. Moreover my room mate said the menu will change every week.The whole package cost just 20 bucks which is pretty cheaper to NY standards,in fact more cheaper than the cost of eating in my previous company's canteen.

Ganesh has said earlier I might be longing for Indian food when I visit his place next time but still I am not missing Indian food :)

PS: My friend commented "Nogamma Nungu thingarduna un kitta than kattukanum"


  1. Sriram,

    As usual you are lucky to get indian food wherever you go or land or stay!
    You got good cook in Cochin. Then Really enjoyed Grandma's kaivannam in Chennai. And, last month, your mom's Tomato Bath... in Trichy, now here is US,rotis with 4 different curries.

    Be blessed with Good Food!

  2. Are you saying you are not going after Donuts, Muffins, Pizzas, Pastas and Bagels(for which NY city is famous)???

    If you do that, you don't have to worry about your Indian formals... soon you will donate them :)

  3. Beware....Ganesh is going to ask you to bring him "food from NJ" next time you visit :))
    Your big bro is encouraging you to "eat well" so he can get your "hand me downs"...already onnu adichaachu!! :))

  4. @Priya
    You forgot that I cook delicious food,only thing I m lazy.

    I eat only what I can burn but I eat those junks only when its unavoidable

    haha I can carry those to Philly :) btb I m adhering to big bro's advice (ie)I m not starving I eat healthy and delicious food !

  5. Sri,

    Just keep your eyes n ears'll get what you want :)
