Friday, July 16, 2010

~~Lab classes~~

Today I had my first computer lab class,we are introduced to a statistical tool called STATA which can be used to analyse and do some research from the data we get.Since being in IT field for few years it was easy to understand the it and had no problems in having a hands on experience over it.

Then we are told about the sources of data and how to get it,world bank website is the major source from where we fetch the data for our research. Our TA(technical assitant) was explaining step by step on how to go to the site, click on the data we need and finally click download data in excel button.And when all the people clicked the that button what I excepted happened, the site got struck and all the people got blank pages.Since I know the performance of that site and my colleague who was working more than a year to get this download to excel thing working after lot of issues, giving correct response to forty people at a same time was too much an ask.Then we came up with a simple solution one person downloading the data from worldbank and rest of the class shared it.

So people developing worldbank's website do remember great people use this site you are working on :))


  1.'ve got competition here! Sundu also started saying "palamoli"....

  2. Hi Sriram,
    Thanks for supporting me... :-))
