Tuesday, June 29, 2010

~~Journey to airport then to USA~~

Never the less it was an adventurous 30 hours before I reached. After sending off my mum and dad to Trichy,I came back home and watched Argentina Mexico match.When the match was over I was hearing some loud noises outside ,took time to realise it was thunder.Within minutes it started raining and pouring soon.

My uncle who agreed to drop me in airport told me to pray that his car should n't breakdown in the middle.Since it was water clogged outside dragging the luggage was not an option,so when his car came with umbrella in hand and the large suitcase in another we managed put those in the back of the car. The ride to the airport was more like going in a hovercraft ripping the water on the street. When we reached airport it was in a state of complete chaos vehicles blocking all the ways,people crowding inside whatever shelters they could finds,trolleys lying in the middle of pool. I took a quite an effort to get the car near the departure terminal,to fetch a trolley and load the luggages on it.

I reached the airport drenched,after clearing security check I headed for the immigration clearance. The lady there seemed heartbroken to see me leave India and was asking questions why are going there , why cant you study here etc.It took few minutes to convince and get past her.It took two more hours to board the flight and I made a big mistake of not taking a book with me and had to be contended by reading
the instructions in the boarding pass.

If getting ready to board the flight at 5 am is a pain eating the morning breakfast once on board add more pain to the body. After watching drinking 4 glass of juices,watching 3 movies,eating 2 meals I reached Heathrow.After 5 hours of memorable time there(will try to write a separate post)took my connecting flight.I was happy that my prayers were answered as a beautiful girl from Ecaudor sat next to me but 40 hours sleeplessness didnt allow me to have an enjoyable conversation I fell asleep as soon as the flight took off.

Once I landed in US I had to head for immigration, unlike in India no questions were asked and I got my passport stamped. It was my dad who did all the packing for the trip and I never knew whats in my luggage. The officer there asked did you bring mangoes,he was disappointed when I said no.Diana and Ganesh were waiting for me making sure I don't miss home.Ganesh had his camera ready and started clicking which I didn't expect. It was a kind of journey were I was damm fresh once I reached the destination.


  1. beautiful Equador girl baashai therinjirunthaa...onnai "annaa" nu thaan koopituruppaa....nalla velai..thoongi thappichute ;)))

  2. Sriram,

    Are you trying to make KG jealous?

  3. haha..but Priya, Sri is still chinna payan...as he fell asleep..as soon as flight took-off...like what small boys will do.

    Always, opportunities comes to wrong person at right time, what to do :((
