Thursday, July 1, 2010

~~Watching worldcup at Heathrow~~

When I booked ticket to USA I found that taking a late flight from London turned out to be economical.So I had a 5 hour stop over at Heathrow.Once I reached the airport I cleared my way through the securities.The airport as told by many people looked like a mall and since I didn't want burn my pockets I was looking for a silent place to throw my back.

I found a place near domestic lounge which was not crowded, before I was about to close my eyes a beautiful girl asked me do you have 5 minutes,since I had more than 5hours in the pocket I was generous enough to give her more than that.Seems she is a BA apprentice and was conducting a survey about the feel good factor of the airport.
So she was asking me the questions how easy I was able to navigate in the airport,did you ask for guidance,how clean the airport was,was I satisfied with the facilities there etc. Having the Chennai airport experience at my back of my mind I gave overwhelming response to the survey which made her happy.

Then I went to starbucks store got a cup of coffee and went to book stall and got a copy of that day's SUN(newspaper). England had been defeat againsted Germany and the anger was evident on all pages of the paper.The best quote I liked was "Had the England defence been the same as yesterday during the World War 2 we would be speaking German".There were columns thrashing the coach and the players pointing out having the costliest coach,highly paid players and the biggest preimier league the country couldn't even proceed to final 8. And all in all it was not a defeat but humiliation.

Then I found a right place near the big screen to watch netherlands vs slovakia worldcup match that was about to place. Once the game started the excitement began to set in.What was once a silent and diplomatic crowd turned out cheer the players and the whole place turned electrifying.It was wonderful to see a football with people from different countries sitting around cheering for the love of the game. I imagined how would the atmosphere would have been for England~Germany match.
Once the match was over with Holland comfortably winning over Slovakia it was time to catch my flight.

I was thinking how would I kill my time there but it flew away quicky and moreover I enjoyed it!


  1. Sri....wake up!!!...kedaikira opps ellaam ippadiyaa vidarathu????

  2. Sri, it looks like everyone is more worried than yourself!!! Hmmm!!!! What's wrong with this picture!!!
