Friday, June 11, 2010

~~Our house packing~~

We are moving to new house during this weekend.Last few days were busy days for me and my family as we were shuttling between the old house and the new house.When I checked which for things which belonged to me there were few handful of dresses apart from few necessary items, rest of my things had served it purpose and could be thrown destroyed or donated.

Mum and dad were busy packing their own stuffs, mum was busy packing all her sarees and salwar and my dad his books. It was like who has the largest collection.

My dad already packed 4 sacks of books and dumped in the garage which is turning out like a godown.Today he packed another four sacks,when somebody comes and see our garage there are bright chances of doubting that we are smuggling the ration rice and storing it there. Even after this I see as if nothing been packed ,we have 1 loft and 3 racks full of books,apart from other books lying all around the place.

My mum in the mean time lost count of the dresses she has but was clever to categorise and store it accordingly in each suitcase rather than dumping in a single sack. The collection went on like these, these are the salwars which haven't been worn,these are the salwars which haven't been stitched,these are the sarees which were gifted,these are the sarees waiting for release,these are the sarees for the future daughter in law(!).All of the sudden my mother become worried ,taking one blouse in hand she said the saree to this blouse is missing from the collection,if its small number we can easily find it but given the number it was a herculean task.But my mum has the never give up attitude by evening she found the Saree and dumped it in one of the suitcases.

I'm being a passive during the entire activity just helping them move the luggages from the old home to new home.

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