Wednesday, April 7, 2010

~~Standing in queue~~

One thing I hate a lot is wasting the time , standing in the queue. I would do whatever I best I can to avoid the slow and painful process of moving in the queue. During my holy trip we avoided standing at the queue at most of the places, but in one place I was caught alone in the queue and its like Abimanyu got struck in chakravuge getting in will be easy but difficult or impossible to come out of it.

It all happened in Dharmastala, since I had to have lunch earlier ,the gang with which I went left me alone and went on to have dharshan. Once I was done with lunch I went ahead stood in the long queue. Queue was like a jilebi going round and round people standing in it never know where the destination was.And as usual it was moving in snails pace and I was struck in between two gossiping groups.The more time it take the more frustrating it was.I began to wonder how days an average Indian loses in his life time by standing in the queue. It should be more than a month.

Then there was the place where in which exit queue and entry met for slight instance ,sensing my oppotunity I jumped into the exit queue and ran far away from the crowd.
What about dhashan then ? A day will come when there the crowd is properly managed and each one hardly spends time in the queue. Longing for it!


  1. HAHA..don't even attempt next time..atleast you managed to come out, at most places you just can't :)

  2. it depends... what is at the end of the queue and how much it mean to you... right post at right time... just came back from disneyland... at-least 40 min wait in most of the attractions.

  3. "poruthaar puvi aalvaar" ... "porumai kasakkum athan palano inikkum!"

  4. When I was 9-10 yrs old,I was allergic to Queues esp Ration queue and Water Lorry queue. We lived in Sengulum, Colony,Trichy Junction. My mom used to work in Srirangam, So I had to get things from Ration with my neighbours for us. The queue would be long or crowded or sometimes I would go missing...., esp for Sugar & Kerosin QUEUE. I am scared even now If I think about those queue days. Water lorry used to supply drinking water for us,If the lorry is on time, I had no problems waiting in QUEUE to get water with my Mom. Again, if it is late, I had go with my neighbours to get water and undergo stamping, ........

    After these experiences, I got used to the queues, so NOW its not boring or its not scrary as long as the QUEUE moves without any pushing, stamping,..... no matter how long it is.

    Above all,now,in my office, we make Care Management Softwares,in which there is a Subsystem called "Queues" ... guess what, I have been asked to work on this.

  5. hey priya..loooong time no palamoli....and you now you came out with BANG! to be in Q depending on what's it for and who's in front / back / side and slong with me.....

    now..don't vanish again..

  6. @Surya
    hey if there are ppl for company in the queue time will pass away :)
    but standing alone is terrible!

  7. @Sripriya
    yeayea I too remember paying by electricity bills,telephone bills,reserving tickets all taking more than a hour or two! Thanks most of those things can be done online now :)

  8. KG,

    "lataa vanthalum latestaa varuvann", March was busy month for me.

  9. Sriram,

    Thanks for reminding about Electricity bills, etc.

    Yes, most of the things can be done online.

    I used to setup all the bills well before "Due date" so that they are in QUEUE.
