Tuesday, April 6, 2010

~~Catching train at Managalore Junction~~

I had to cut my holy trip and return to Chennai, I had to catch train at Mangalore junction at 4 o clock. Since I went my parents who insists on being at the station an hour before the train starts, I took leave from Dharmastala around 1:30. One thing I hate is waiting at the station for the train when the its still in the shed.

So instead of going to the bus stand I went for shopping in that area, got some knick knacks and finally caught a bus at 2 o clock to Mangalore. Had a good sleep in the bus,when the bus was about to reach the destination I checked with people in bus where is the railway station. They came up with different answers with little Kannada knowledge it was more confusing.Finally Around 3:30 I down at one point which people said was nearer to the station.

Now I had an option of taking an auto and reach the station within five mintues and relax there like my dad or experience the city taking a long walk to the place which I dont know where it is and find the way asking people the way in a language which I m barely familiar. first I asked a old man he said its just walkable and stretched his forearm towards a faraway building then I realised there was a signal underneath it. When I reached the signal I came to know there was no signs of railway station nearby,since I still had 20 mintues to kill time I asked few other people for directions(mind it everything in kannada)and went on to the directions told by them.After 10 mintues of walking I heard a distant sound train horn making sure that station was somewhere around.And beleive me there was a terrible traffic jam in front of the station,I would have got caught in that had I come by auto. I walked passed all those vechicle and reached station around 5 mintues to four.

After entering the inside the station I found that the train was actually in platform2 then had to climb up and down,then I realised the compartment was at the other end of the platform and I walked the whole stretch, I finally got in the train by 4:05 I always trust Indian railways They will always wait for me ;)

EDIT: Adding Sripriya's experience (c Indian railways has been lucky with me alone )

Sriram, u r luckY,Indian Railways always wait for you, but not for all. About 13 yrs back, me and my sister (Jayashree) with our friends were supposed to go to Delhi by Tamil Nadu Train from Chennai I was in Chennai,so I was in the station well before scheduled time. But, my sister, came from Trichy by KPN bus.She reached the station exactly at 10.00 pm,the train already left the platform (not station),she was not able to get into the train. It was like Cinema scene, where we all were just watching and unable to do anything. Me & my friends,thought of coming back to chennai, by getting down in the next station. The next stop came at 5 am, (dont remember the name of the station but it was some where in Varangal....AP) I called my aunty's residence from that station (no cellphones that time otherwise I would've slept peacefully after calling my sister immediately), my aunty told "Jayashree is coming to Delhi by GT" (GT Express Train used to start after 30 or 40 minutes after TN train) I was relaxed after hearing that. There was a WARM WELCOME for Jayashree in Delhi.


  1. that's why they didn't u/stand....BUT why in canada...damil will do ?

  2. hehe the drivers were from ksrtc so they knew kannada ;)

  3. Sriram, u r luckY,Indian Railways always wait for you, but not for all. About 13 yrs back, me and my sister (Jayashree) with our friends were supposed to go to Delhi by Tamil Nadu Train from Chennai I was in Chennai,so I was in the station well before scheduled time. But, my sister, came from Trichy by KPN bus.She reached the station exactly at 10.00 pm,the train already left the platform (not station),she was not able to get into the train. It was like Cinema scene, where we all were just watching and unable to do anything. Me & my friends,thought of coming back to chennai, by getting down in the next station. The next stop came at 5 am, (dont remember the name of the station but it was some where in Varangal....AP) I called my aunty's residence from that station (no cellphones that time otherwise I would've slept peacefully after calling my sister immediately), my aunty told "Jayashree is coming to Delhi by GT" (GT Express Train used to start after 30 or 40 minutes after TN train) I was relaxed after hearing that. There was a WARM WELCOME for Jayashree in Delhi.
