Friday, April 9, 2010

~~Book I read~~

I m writing this post after reading a great book based on a true story,a book which inspires you,a book which ascertains there are still wonderful people who make the world a better place .A book which thrashes all prejudice which Westerners had about Pakistan and Afghanistan. A book chosen as required reading by US military and Pentagon.

"Three cups of tea" is based on the life of Greg Mortenson who is on a mission to climb Mount K2 but it ends up in a failure,little he would have known he would be dedicating his life in climbing an even higher mountain- to keep bringing education hope and changes of better life to the children of Pakistan and then Afghanistan. While climbing down he loses his way and wanders into a poor remote village weak and tired.The village people take care of him and he rejuvenates there. Now he wants to do something back to the village.He finds that the village doesn't have any schools and he plans to build one. He goes back to America raises fund with great difficulty and comes back to village but finds that village people need a bridge first to connect to the world before a school.Now begins his journey between US and Pakistan,he builds 60 more schools in the region there by giving education to more than 10000 people in that part of the world. Once Taliban was overthrown in Afghanistan he moves there to continue his mission.

I got goosebumps at many places while reading this book,the time when the first educated woman from the village he built school comes out with flying colors and wishes to become a doctor,with a single goal to go back to her village and build a hospital in her area.Haji Ali,the desperate old man and Greg's mentor helping Greg despite all odds and getting things done for the sake of his village.Touching speech by Syed after New york attacks. The list goes on. A wonderful read altogether.

PS: When I ordered this book via flipkart, little did I realise I selected young readers edition of the same,anyways I enjoyed it a lot more with more pictures :)


  1. Sriram,
    This post (book) reminds me about the latest SRK's movie (dont remmeber name right now,will add later), in which he decided to pay back his thanks to a woman and his son,by doing a big social work to the villlage where they live , the village got affected by flood......

  2. Great, I read an article about this guy, I will add in my list of books to read!!!

  3. of the movie is MNK..

    Sri - deposit that book along with china in my house, without fail

  4. @Priya
    its just a scene in that movie but this guy has dedicated his lifetime living in tough terrains of himalayas!

  5. @KG
    hey its young reader's edition say for <13 like me ;) you still need it ?

  6. I have this book and have been wanting to read it for a looooong time....first in the list of my summer reading!
