Saturday, April 10, 2010

~~Taking a passport photo~~

Taking a passport picture of yours can be troublesome affair. I have never been able to take a better picture from my past experience. Whatever ways I try to look good,end result will be mockery of my handsome looking face.

Since I have used up all my passport pictures and needed to update with new ones I went to the nearby studio. I spent sometime in the mirror, which I hardly do on a normal day, made sure everything is perfect. The climate here is as cruel as it can be, a small walk to the studio found me sweating a lot but i was prepared took my hanky wiped away the drops of sweat.

Once inside I asked the person in charge to take a good picture of mine.He asked me to get into the studio room and then made me sit in a small stool. When I was ready to pose he told ,don't show your teeth close and reduce the smile. Ok fine I did that. Then said look up and open your eyes wide ,I tried widening it as far as possible and stared into the lens. After few seconds of observation he finally clicked the picture. While after I got the photo ready,I saw myself giving an angry stare to me. It was more or less looking like picture used to be posted in the wanted list in bus stands and railway stations. I think these photographers are sadistic people seeing a handsome young man, they try to picture them in a worse way as possible.


  1. hahahaha ;)..really funny!

    You've described it so beautifully that as though we are with you while taking that photo :)

    Don't show the teeth - Angry look -great photogenic moments :)

  2. Hehe

    Funny, but I totally understand. This happens to me to!!! You explained better!!!

  3. always u made me laugh :)
    Don't ever show it to your princess :)

  4. Sriram,

    "Beauty lies in the eyes of beholder", I really pity for that poor Photographer! I dont think he made big mistake other than taking a picture of you!

  5. @Priya
    hahaha wait wait I will goto another photographer take a picture and will then put the two pics! you will know mistake is on whose part ;)
