Thursday, April 22, 2010

~~Our CO2 emission~~

I am reading a book about what and all craps we are doing to the environment. I haven't completed it yet but there were few interesting link in the book from which you can how much CO2 you are contributing to the environment.

Try this link and answer few simple questions and once you are done it will tell you how much is your contribution. Since its based in UK some of the questions will be from UK prespective. This is their home page which is filled with information on how to protect the environment.

We can still do lot more to our environment!

EDIT: Got this from Krishna funny video by Axe on how to save water!


  1. hahahaha......shower pool!!...wonder what next ;)

  2. Sri - do you know in Bangalore, 4-lane 'PLASTIC WASTE ROAD" built using the plastic waste.

    usage of 4 plastic bags leads to 1 KG emission of CO2.

    if you really care about environment and want to do something rather than lip-say, carry with you environment-friendly bag wherever you go and put your purchase in that bag. (never mind, shop keeper'll look at you from Aliens)

  3. @KG In kerala there are no plastic bags in use ,after shopping and if we dont have bags, we need to pay 1Re for a bag which can be recycled!
