Saturday, April 24, 2010

~~Busy day~~

As usual I'm more busy at weekends than during weekdays , day started early when Raj woke me up saying he got lost in Chennai while trying to find way to my house.Then I picked him up from the landmark he said. He came to Chennai for a dentist appointment.

After having breakfast he asked me to drop at the dentist place. But once finding a beautiful dentist at that place, I decided to support my friend throughout the time he spends there. After two hours of inspection they suggested him for a treatment and asked him come whenever he is free.I supported him saying I will take him anytime he wants to come there. I dropped him in bus stand and came back home drenched in sweat!

I planned to goto Trichy later tonight,even though it was a very short notice it was just enough for my mum to make her demands.By afternoon I found myself shopping in MadharSha with my grandma getting her two Saree's which I will never know when she will find time to wear.

Evening I promised my colleague to attend her reception at Annanagar,one funny attending receptions in Chennai is there will multi storey Kalyana mandapams and in each one there will be marriage function or something else going on and one should take care we are entering into the correct hall. I ensured that I m in exact hall after seeing the my colleague in the TV screen streaming live video.Dinner was excellent that once I finished it I sent a message to her saying that if I had known about the dinner earlier I would have starved the whole day.

Since my cousin's place was near by I thought of giving a flying visit,once there memories of our last visit there with KG and co was lingering in my mind. Eventhough it was not as great as the previous visit it was fun. Had a chat for more than an hour or so and came back home.

Now its time to pack my bags and the only thing which is present in the bag are the two sarees for my mum!

1 comment:

  1. The mere mention of the place brings "HEAVY" laff :)
