Wednesday, April 21, 2010

~~Its my hike time~~

It is financial year end ,for employees like us its salary hike time and we will be eager to get our peanuts for the job we are doing for the past one year. As usual expectations were high we were getting rumours like we will be getting more than 20% hike and some even dreamt more. The truth is whatever hike announced by the organization our mind will never be satisfied and will always be asking for more.

What should ones thought process be ,I always used to say to my friends it not how much you earn matters , what you do with what you earn matters a lot.So I m thinking what I can do with the little bit of extra money , no way I can build houses or buy cars but there are other things which can do with it. I have started planning how to spend my extra money. So this weekend plans are
-->put an extra liter of petrol in my bike and roam few extra miles
-->Buy pani puri at road side stall
-->buy vikatan,kumudam for the week.
-->buy new pair of socks
-->pay back the 10rs pending fine at the library

There are many more things which I can do but I m sure given my laziness it would be a great deal if I am able to finish 2 of the 5 tasks listed above!


  1. My best bet - did you get Rs 100 increment?

    How about 1 mulam maligaipoo for your poor gf and verkadalai for 50 Paisa as refreshments while chatting with her in beach and still if you've extra buy "Gnanaoli" magazine to boost-up your spirituality!

  2. Wish I could join you for the pani puri :)

  3. hey..pani puri is my fav too :)

  4. @KG
    my company is more generous than what you think :)
    It has given me the capacity to buy red rose and chocobar icecream !

  5. yupp next time when we meet India we will crash into a nearby pani puri stall

  6. Guys/Gals, I can take any bet in gulping # of Panni Puri in single sitting!!!!:):) Any takers?
