Wednesday, February 17, 2010

~~Architect in the making~~

Evening when I was chit chatting with my colleagues I got an SMS from Keerthi

"Hii Anna, I have come dept 1st with a GPA of 8.48 in 1st sem, yippee!! "

Seeing my reaction after reading the message ,my mate grabbed the phone from me to read the message, first he was disappointed since there was nothing fishy in it and then surprised how person can get inspiration from me can come out with flying colors.

Since I didnt reply soon enough she called from her mumma's phone thinking I havent seen the message. She told that only seven out of her 60 odd classmates cleared all the papers. Apart from that what was nice to hear was she scored a perfect 10 on the buildings we tried to make using matchsticks and a model we made out of thermocol.

Certainly deserves a treat right ;) planning one for it this weekend !


  1. I was imagining scene like 'Anna, nan pasaitaen"..and you wiping the teardrops from the eye with thundu and pasama holding her cheeks...with flowers falling from top and song starting from here...:)

  2. hahaha its just 1st sem ,this arrangement we can have when she finishes the degree ;)

  3. When Keerth is not reading your blog, i'am refraining from making further comment ;)

    Only exception is sripriya..hope she's ok.?
