Thursday, February 18, 2010

~~Bike Service and the guard~~

Since there were few sounds coming from the bike while driving apart from the normal ones which one hear while driving,I thought its time to give a service. Giving bike service is no easy task here,if I go and give it on a weekend the whole gang of weekend crowd will be there and I should make myself available there at least an hour early to beat that crowd.Since I never want to spoil my weekend doing that boring task I usually give it during the weekday. I should plan my time in such a way that after giving the bike for service I have enough time to catch the company bus,if I miss it then there is no other alternative than to stay at home and watch cricket match(seems a better alternative though).

When I reached the service center around 8 o clock expect for the security guard there wasn't any other person in the place. So I asked him directly shall I give it or take it back since I cant risk waiting for the people to arrive. He gave me a polite reply that servicemen will be there in 15 minutes. To kill my time I was chatting with him, he wasn't talking like a normal frustrated security guy,rather lot more professional,friendly nevertheless he looked as if he was over qualified for the job. Further talking with him I came know he has finished his undergraduate degree and doing MBA HR side by side.The job he is doing is just to survive in the city.He talked about his ambitions of starting his own business once he done his degree. Our talk was interrupted by the serviceman who arrived there . Realising I need to catch my bus I told the problems which are to be fixed in my bike and left the place not before wishing the guard for his dreams to come true.

Its really unique to find such kind of people at such kind of places!


  1. Man, you should've watched cric match, just superb, India deserved to win this match and it's great :)

    Singh is King, again..atleast go and have Punjabi samosa with a dip ;)

    btw, see the comment for your "pasamigu thangachi" post too :)

  2. yeayea was checking the scores online throughout :) finally we
    managed to sneek it through !!!
    we are still no.1 !!!
