Monday, January 4, 2010

Trip prelude:Planing trip and getting shoes

On 14th Dec 09, I met KG at his place we were finalising the plans for our adventure trip. We called few tour agents and KG was bargaining hard with them.Until he got sync with one of the tour operators who kind and polite enough to accept his demands and went on to say if they give those rates they cant run the company.

Since I had already purchased jackets and thermals,only other thing I wanted to buy was good shoes.One which would withstand such weather conditions,being in Chennai I used to buy shoes which is not stuffy inside but with air circulation. And I know if I tried to wear those kinds of shoes there ,then I had to end up touring rest of my journey on a Yak.

First I checked in Internet for shoes which can withstand such weather conditions. I was almost tempted to order one shoe costing some 500rs after some 70% discount.Then didn't want to take risk and compromise on quality.

The same evening Diana,Ganesh and myself went to shopping at Annanagar.Diana was in shopping spree,which reminded a TV game show where person can pick whatever he could within 5 mins.Finally when we lost count on how much she stuffs she picked, she was contented saying she finished shopping stuffs for three years . But cleverly she added it was for the year 2007 to 2009, don't know how she is going to use these dresses for the occasion happened during that period.Thank god she didn't have this habit when she was a child else she would have got 7 year old dress when she was 10.

Once we were done there(I mean once Diana was done and Ganesh paid the bill) we moved to Woodlands.There we were looking for shoes for me,Diana was suggesting some boots which will cover the ankle which I liked(would have given a cow boy look)and would have bought but for Ganesh who said to buy shoes which I could wear even after the trip so that I wont look awkward when I wore those to my work place.Finally we narrowed on three varieties. Later I selected one from them the next day.

From there we went to Vijay's house where KG and Suba joined us , there we had delicious dinner prepared by Usha perima.That night I had stomach ache not because of the dinner but for the fun we had there.One such day I got tired by laughing.

PS:Hope this is my last prelude(or last before one) ,will start the trip experiences soon.


  1. I'll try to blog on Laugh-Riot. It's the most entertaining evening

  2. I had a hard time going to bed after that laugh riot. We were giggling on the next day on our trip to B'lore thinking about what KG said that night on our way back to home.

  3. @ Diana
    if at we meet up there next time we will take a recorder :)
