Thursday, November 12, 2009

~~Cyclone in Mumbai~~

My dad is on an official trip to Baroda and he had to fly via Mumbai to reach there. When I read the news that India Australia match was getting delayed(finally called off)because of the rains due to cyclone it never occured to me that my dad's trip is also in trouble.

After today's work I gave a call to him,he started saying he spent almost 8 hours in Mumbai airport, one of the kingfisher flight skidded in the airport runway and jammed the runway for some houes.Only in India we can aeroplanes doing some stunts like this.
Finally after that plane was pulled off from the runaway and when rains reduced a little his flight took off. A person who reached mumbai around 2 o clock had to wait till 10 to take Baroda flight even if he had travelled by train he would have reached earlier.

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