Wednesday, November 11, 2009

~~Movie I saw~~

I have just completed seeing this movie Julie and Julia. It was really a good time pass and enjoyed the way it was taken. It was based on two true stories .

Julia Child is who is wife of US ambassador to France during last 1940's learns art of French cooking,once she masters it she decides to publish it,story goes on about the diffculties she faced in getting that book published.Finally she publishes the book Mastering the Art of French Cooking.Meryl Streep is starring as Julia Child and there is a little bit over acting.

Next one is about Julie Powell getting bored of the government job want to try out something new. She husband suggests to start a blog about cooking.So she sets a goal to complete the 524 recipes given in Julia Child's book in one year. Amy Adams is staring as Julie Powell and she has acted really well. The bloggers feel is well directed when she sees one comment for her blog later getting disappointed to know its from her mother,how happy she feels when she gets appriciated from people she doesnt know or met, the excitement she gets when her blog is about written in NewYorkTimes. Did some search in google and still herold blog is up and her new one.

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