Friday, November 13, 2009

~~News in our group~~

Two of our friends fell in love with each other right behind our eyes. When news got broke today there was a flurry of mails within our group.This is the Cochin group of friends.

It all started with the following title from one of friend

Nov 13th Friday - great news in our group!
What a wonderful day to celebrate a most happy occassion!!
Its official (finally!) - HA is doomed for life!!

then there were lots of wishes pouring and basically asking the main why he made up this descision. And our hero didnt fail ,he spent quite some time writing this mail

My "L"ove Story!
I fall in love with this Faaantastic girl ......
Mamu ---> Not because you said "Number 1" when i ask you (others who dont know .... I ask mamu to pick a number by showing all my ten fingers so tat it helps me decide which GF to make my life partner :-P ) !
Jitu --> Not because i cannot find another Girl !
Raja --> Not because i am frustated !
Renjini --> Not because we can let you take care of us and our kids !
HP --> Not because i cannot tap feet better than you !
Kotha --> Not because she is a Right Handed Rowdy !
Sandy --> Not because she is a fitness freak or a freakin kung-fu fighter !
Sriram , Ramki ,Ashwin --> Not because my hindi is better than all urs !
Naveen --> Not because of the treasure in her backyard !
Pavi --> Not because she is a manly-kid !
Mitter --> Not because i let u screw my life again !
Jakkkassuuu ---> Not because she is my SETUP !
Chanduuuu --> Not because she lets me have my shots of 30ml everytime !
Shalini -> Not because none of us could trace you for years !!!!

Yes ..... its because ......
Everytime we meet .... I still misss her !!! even wen she is sitting right next to me ........
Everytime i laugh ... she laughs along with me .....
Everytime she smiles at me .... she means it every teeth she shows ....
Everytime she talks.....weelll .. eeerrrr .....I get good sleep :-D
Evertytime we fight ..... god !!! we fear no doomsday !!! We live it every moment ......

Kaisa hai mera Prem ki Chitti !?!?!? waaaaah..... waaaah ...... waahhhh ......

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