Thursday, September 10, 2009

~~Friend's marriage @ Bhavani~~

Last Monday I had to attend my friend's marriage at Bhavani, I had promised her I will make it.She had informed me earlier how to reach the destination, after getting down at Erode railway station there will be lots of buses going to Bhavani catch one of them and from Bhavani bus stand the mandapam is just walkable distance.

I got up very early around 3 45am in order to catch the train to Erode. After reaching the station on time, I slept again once I got into my berth.Train reached Erode around 8.Since the marriage was between 9 to 10 I thought I had enough time to make it.When I just came out of the station I saw a bus with name Bhavani to some location on it. I got pretty excited and got into the bus, after 5 minutes I asked the conductor for a ticket to Bhavani he started scolding me and said the bus is coming from Bhavani not going there and to make the matter worst he stopped the bus and made me to get down in some no man's land.From there I walked few hundred meters asked few people for the bus stop and waited for a bus to come.Then I thought let me goto Erode bus stand a place from which buses will reach only the destination. A mini bus came which was supposed to goto bus stand ,got into that later realised even a bullock cart would have reached the destination much earlier. By the time I reached Erode bus stand time was 9am.

Then I took the bus to Bhavani from there, good the journey did not have any surprises but when I reached the Bhavani bus stand the time was 9 40. I took an auto to the mandapam which was just 500m away just to make my presence on time. Relieved that I made it on dot I relaxed for a while ,then gave my gift and had a good food.

Had my friend told to cross the road and catch bus all this trouble wouldnt have happened or atleast I should have asked somebody before boarding the bus.

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