Friday, September 11, 2009

~~Start to weekend~~

Friday evening we followed our weekly routine of eating outside. And this time we found a good bhakra in form of my uncle who has come from Nigeria for vacation. By evening when I returning from office my cousin called to plan for dinner. I called my uncle who was busy shopping somewhere else in the city to join us for the dinner.

My cousin who is as stingy as Uncle Scrooge always makes sure that she never spends a penny out of her pocket. Myself ,my cousin and grandma took an auto to reach the hotel.On reaching the place I took my wallet to pay the fare but the driver returned back the money saying he doesn't have change for hundred. When I counted the other notes I had it came 5 rs short of the actual amount. I asked my cousin did she have at least 5 rs ,she opened her hand bag out came all sort of items from hair bands,clips,pins,visiting cards,tissue paper and all sorts of garbage , expect for money.It was becoming clear she didnt carry single paisa for the outing. Before I could spill the beans out,to save her embarrassment from the auto driver she gave a stunning reply saying she has only 500rs!!! then she grabbed the 100rs and went around few shops for exchanging the note for lesser denomination. I on the other hand took another hundred went to nearby shop got a cool drink and broke my 100. In mean time she found some innocent shop keeper who exchanged the change for 100 and gave the fare to the auto driver who was patiently watching all the mess we were doing along with my grandma.

Then we waited for our uncle to join us and then had a good dinner where the above incident was the main topic.

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