Wednesday, September 9, 2009

~~Shopping with my mum~~

Last weekend when I was in Trichy my mum commanded me to take for shopping. If she tells take her to shopping it means I should drive her to the place,nod my head in any direction on what ever she chooses to buy,sponsor the money for whatever she gets,stand in queue to get the things billed from delivery section and carry the stuffs she got to the next shop.Do the same tasks again. All the while she will be very keen not to lose a single minute in all the useless jobs I do and will be continuing her quest to shop more.

All the above things are easy said than done, when we left the house she said we will 1st shop at Sarathas. After 30 minutes of patient driving I reached Sophys and was trying find a space to park my car, trouble started there mum insisted on dropping her right in front of Sarathas ,situated in a road which is flooded with people and even a cycle cant pass through it.I made it clear I m not taking the risk of running down few people there.After giving me few bashing she angrily started walking to the place.

She pacified the anger by doing some intense purchasing at different shops around the area. I quietly did the other tasks(billing,delivery) so that she can peacefully shop more. By end of day I was carrying some seven bags of stuffs back home.

Since I made her to walk from Sophys to Saratha(less than a km) she said she s very tired and cant cook dinner for me. My dad(as usual) made Rava idly for dinner.

1 comment:

  1. i should have been there with mala. It would have been fun.

    I remember the shopping did with Mala:) and it's very much fun. correct thanae mala.
