Wednesday, November 26, 2008

When I messed ATM card(s)!

Today afternoon I was short of money ,so I decided to goto nearby ATM to fetch some. When i made a transaction I got a message the PIN I entered is invalid ,it happens sometimes so I carefully tried giving pin second time but I got the same message again.I was wondering I never changed my pin and why my card was behaving crazily.
Evening I thought I would give a last try and went to a local ATM near our house and tried a transaction and got a message the card was blocked.
I came home wondering what went wrong,my roomie said we can goto the bank s website and get the PIN reset ,I logged into the website and requested for PIN change and they said it will take a week s time to proces and PIN will be delivered to home.
Then I forgot about the incident and started my evening relaxation.
While preparing dinner I suddenly remembered my roomie giving his ATM card to me during the weekend. Everything became clear to me ,what I have done -used his ATM card (since we use same bank s card i didnt notice the name on the card) and entered my PIN and succesfully blocked his card.Also I requested a PIN change for my card which was not necessary and my card is also inactive until I get the pin. All in all in one day I messed two cards :)

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