Sunday, November 23, 2008

My trip to naval base

Indian Navy was in news last week when our INS tabar successfully sank the pirates mother ship near the gulf of Aden.This weekend naval base in Cochin was open to public and I thought it would be informative to check whats happening there.

Started early morning from my house along with my friends Ashok and Prem ,I like the naval campus its clean calm and wonderful.All naval officers wearing those white uniforms walking around with pride on their face.
There was a naval exhibition where they were explanining all the instruments used in navy ranging from radar,diving equipments,missiles,anchors,signal systems etc. Most of it sounded greek and latin but assured the country has the latest technology.
We were allowed to enter into the war ships ,this was my first time to entering into a warship and it really felt good to be in there.There were around 4 ships which were open to public.India has a sail ship called as INS Tarangi one unique kind in the world.Other ships like INS krishna,tir,veera were also on display.

I salute the people working in navy who sacrifice their life to safeguard our country!

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