Thursday, November 27, 2008

Not again in Mumbai!

Mumbai being attacked one more time!
Wednesday night I was browsing way past midnight when saw flash news gun fire sound heard near Taj I slept off thinking its some gang war. Morning my collegue woke me up with message to put on the TV,slowly I realized the magnitude of the incident.Atleast some 50 people would have been involved directly or indirectly for this incident.Its disturbing to know there are huge number of people whose main goal in their life is to destroy peace and harmony of our country.
Terrorism is one of major menance India is facing. We lack in mobilisation,security,manpower,technology etc to prevent such attacks.So what we can do to prevent such attacks? I think if we improve our intelligence cell we can atleast prevent attacks.We learn from our mistakes but this one is a blunder. Hope we pray nothing like this happens again!

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