Thursday, August 14, 2008

Ethinic Wear-

On Wednesday our HR came and annouced we need to come in ethinic wear the next day.I started thinking what should I be wearing.From kurtha s to dhoti s everything came to my mind.

Back home I searched for my wardrobes,since those arent the common one we wear, it had to searched in the hidden corners of our house.My room mates also joined me in choosing thier attire.We had found 3 kurtha s decided which would be the best fit for each of us. Then came the stuning idea from my room mate of wearing a dhoti in panchagajam style. When asked how to wear it he said he doesnt know and lets use our technology and find it out. He searched in youtube and bulleye! found a perfect video depicting on how to wear a dhoti in panchagajam style.We did a trial run , it was like a model practising her walk on the ramp, to make sure nothing goes wrong in main stage.
Next day my friend left early and I tried wearing the dhoti in panchagajam style but my dhoti was following me lika a tail rather covering me. So to save the day I wore dhoti in normal way.
Anyways the day was good and I enjoyed it !

PS:My room mate won the best the dressed man of the day!!!

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