Saturday, August 9, 2008

Visit to Athirampalli

This weekend our team planned a outing to attirampalli falls.I like all places which has anything to do with water. There were 12 people in the team so some planning was required.I was given charge to buy snacks for team,the day before went to retail outlet and grabbed whatever items from where ever my eyes went to.

We started our journey an hour late and reached the destination around 1 o clock,after having some light lunch we headed straight to the falls.After taking few pics ,we(gang of four) walked half km from the falls to the river bed where we can have bath. Once reaching a serene place we decided to jump into river.This is the wonderful part of the trip sitting like water buffaloos in water ,making the water to flow over the body.Since it had rained the previous day ,water flow was pretty good. We relaxed ourselves there more than an hour.Since time was ticking away with no mood we got out from the water.
From there we left to another place called as vazhachal falls which is 5kms away. Beacuse of the good rains,pleasant sound of flow of the water was heard from the place we parked our van.We admired the beauty of nature for minutes taking rounds to pose ourselves with nature.Funny incident as happened one of my friend got into a dual with the security guard over there,when asked why ,he complained we were taking lots of photos of that place and we need to give chance to others but when turned around there wasnt a person to be seen apart from out noisy group.
We packed our stuffs and returned back to Cochin ,trips toll had taken on body as I slept most of the journey.We had dinner at Sea park a wonderful retaurant where we get some good sea foods and as usual my menu was few rotis with vegetable curry.

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