Tuesday, August 19, 2008

My train journey

I left to Trichy on Thursday night for a long weekend.
I met two people during the journey

When I was on the platform I heard somebody calling my name ,I turned around and saw a familiar face. Ashok- He was my school class mate when I was in 2nd and 3rd grade. I had known he was in Cochin through other friends but this was the 1st time we were meeting. He is working in an investment bank.When we checked our ticket numbers it was adjacent to each other. We couldnt ask for more. Once we are on our seats in the train we started talking about our life jobs,school,college etc .

At the next station a decent looking middle aged man entered into our compartment and sat opposite to us. As soon as he got settled he questioned us whether we are IT guys(the way we dress makes us to look unique in the crowd) ,then we got introduced.He said he s MD a pharma company,which increased our respect towards him.His style of arrogance and dominance made me wonder from where he got these skills.I asked him what he was doing before,he said he was working as IPS officer in Delhi. We were discussing about governments politics finance and in all topics he was making his point heard and our arguments getting trashed to nothing.We were chatting past mid night lots of information transferred. KNOWLEDGE must be shared,
else it be buried unused!

All in all a wonderful journey to be remembered!

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