Sunday, June 1, 2008

IPL :ended at last!!

Feeling disappointed that Chennai didnt win the finals but what a match made me glued to the seat till the last minute . I was waiting for the unexpected to happen but it was Rajastan team deserved to win.
Good IPL got ended at last from now onwards there will be somechanges in my lifestyle
1)I will be shuttling accross channels after 9pm searching for something interesting to see.
2)Chances are there i will goto bed early
3)More time on the net
4)take 20 20 out of my mind for sometime!
5) Last,Will start supporting team India once again!!!

1 comment:

  1. Very true Sri,
    Finally IPL is over, now I can sleep at 12, and not wait to see the start of the match at 12:30 AM phew :)
