Friday, May 30, 2008

Its raining...Monsoon once again!!!

Yesterday it rained here for more than 2 hours in night and today while im writing this rain hasnt stopped yet ,I m glad to welcome monsoon. Makes life little bit difficult but I never mind.
Being in Kerala one good thing here is it rains or it pours . There were instances when I could nt see what s in 5 feet front of me , thrills me when i m driving in such a weather. When I left office today it was cloudy but i miscalculated my driving skills with nature and thought of dodging the rain.Just before a km from house it started pouring , funny thing is I had rain coat in my backpack but thought I could reach home quicker than stopping somewhere near to wear it.In the end when I reached home raincoat was safely protected from rain and myself completely drenched.
I dont mind getting drenched N number of times if we have a good monsoon this year which makes everyone happy and prosperous!!!!

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