Monday, June 2, 2008

My Day at Gym

For the past few months my room mate got worried about few kgs he earned by living the life of a lazy software engineer. This month he started pressing the panic button and insisted on doing something to get extra kilos burned off.I suggested swimming I like that activity becuase most of the time i would be spending in the pool would be like a water buffaloo relaxing in the banks of koovam!!! But the trouble is my roomie saw picture of Surya in one of the tamil magazines and started day dreaming about 6 pack abs.In the end i know it would pointless to argue with him and I said ok lets go for work out.
Its been months I have never seen 6 am ,but today I got kicked up to getup. Remembered my school days when my mum gently tries to wake me up with a cup of tea.
Reached the place in 15 mintutes after finishing the formalities ,the trainer asked us to warm up in the tread mill ,I started running seems ages i ran like that ,I was gasping for breath after 2 mins . Next comes workout ,trainer was instructing us to do some stretch outs hands up stretch back bend down 1 2 3 4, remembered some beautiful ladies doing stuffs like these in sports channel but who had time to notice what they are doing.
At last after 1 hr I got completely drained and trainer seeing my face realised im dead for the day.As I packed my stuffs ,gulped two glasses of water and was ready to leave trainer said meet you tomorrow. Then only I realised that this gonna be my daily schedule!!!

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