Saturday, August 29, 2009

~~My absent mindedness~~

Yesterday was an eventful evening. My grandma lost her 'metti' and she needed a replacement,I had promised her to take her to Tana street to get a new one. I asked her to get ready by evening 5pm. When we were about to leave ,my cousin asked whether she could join us for shopping.Oh noo.. ! My original plan was to take my grandma in my bike ,go directly to Tana street get the metti and return home.If travel takes 15 mins getting metti some 30 mins at the max ,the job should be over by an hour. Now since she s joining us I was prepared to slog the entire evening.

We took an auto, in the short span of time she convinced my grandma to make the first stopping at Naidu Hall. Once inside I was feeling awkward since there was no section in which where I can go and kill my time.Finally I ended up near bangles and earrings section trying my best not to look like a Jackass.Grandma and grand daughter took their own time selecting their stuffs,finally while paying the bill she asked for some extra cash to make up the total purchase. I usually keep my a maximum of 200 bucks in my purse , if the amount is higher than that I usually pay by card.

After that my cousin entered a Rajasthani handloom exhibition, after 10 or 15 mins I realised that she is not going to buy anything here ,I said I will get some cash from ATM and come back .In the mean time I called my mum and checked whether she needs anything from Chennai since the next weekend I will be in Trichy,she asked to get her a big plate made of German Silver.Then I went ATM got the cash and returned back to handloom stall. She was still browsing through the stuffs, testing shopkeepers patience(mine too).After 30 mins my cousin got some enlightenment and said nothing is nice here lets leave ,grabbing that opportunity I hurried them out of the place.

Next we went to Ratna stores I went to the plates section ,looked for a big plate. Took 5 minutes to look at different models and choose one. I went ahead to bill it and then collect it in delivery section. Once I got the plates and was ready to leave ,only to see my cousin absconded. Thank God my grandma was there to inform she went cosmetics section to get some stuffs.I was standing like beggar with a big plate in my hands.After some 15 minutes she got some stuffs and we were ready to move again.

At last we took an auto Tana street a place I should have been there some 2 hours earlier. We reached the jewel shop. Once inside shop keeper showed us various designs ,my grandma insisted on a simple one with an apt size. We got a set of four which suited my grandma's size,I checked the same it was looking fine. When we were about to buy it my cousin took those and gave an observation one single ring is 0.002 mm bigger than the rest of the set.Shopkeeper gave an 'aaramuchutangaya ' look and digged inside his collection and took some other piece which made no difference to me but my cousin was satisfied with the new one.

The bill came around 400 bucks and I opened my wallet to take my card out. OH MY GOD.... WHERE IS MY CARD???????? I looked at left right inside outside and on all the opening of the wallet but I couldnt find it. It began to sink in ,after withdrawing the money from the ATM I never took my card back and by now the machine should have swallowed the card. Felt helpless to see grandma paying for her Metti. On the way back I stopped near the ATM and checked with the security who said I need to contact the branch office to get the card back.
My cousin suggested lets eat outside ,I said since I m penniless and cardless it should be her treat. But she was too intelligent to be bogged down and called her dad to join us for dinner and later made him pay the bill.

While we were eating the dinner my grandpa called and my cousin picked the call talked with him,conveyed to us grandpa had dinner. After we reached home grandpa asked me where is the parcel??? Dont know what those two talked , right away I took my bike to Saravana Bhavan and few stuffs for my grandpa. Then I told my him about how I lost my card , he immediately called my bank manager(whom he knows personally) and asked for the procedures to block the card. I called the customer care and blocked the card temporarily.

Withdrawing cash from ATM will be never same again for me!

1 comment:

KG said...

Yet again...hillarious post. "standing like a beggar with a big plate on hand" - cracked me up and also 0.0002 mm :)

Must ask your grand ma to give you lots of tasks like this..