Sunday, October 30, 2011

~~Snowy mess~~

  Yesterday due to unexpected snow storm things went haywire. First I had to get my winter cloths from the loft and couldnt find where I kept my gloves. My friend who was here on a short visit didnt bring any winter clothes like jackets and boots. She had to catch her flight at night in JFK, I lent my sneakers and she layered up with her remaining clothes to protect herself from the weather. When we entered the subway it was Halloween time as many people dressed in weird characters ranging from a pregnant pig to zombies. I told my friend with the layered costume and luggage she will surely fit as a homeless person.
   Given the snow and rain the subway system was going slow, my friend got tensed as she might miss the flight as her flight was in two more hours. I was sure the flight will be delayed in the given weather but she didnt want to take risk. So we got down and took a cab to the airport. Once there she checked in the bags and asked the people whether the flight will be on time, they said there will be few minutes delay. I said goodbye and left back to home.
  On the way back I caught the air train to get down at metro station. I found a family not getting down at any terminals. I asked them what they were doing, they said they are from Argentina and they were to go to their relatives place in New Jersey but because of the snow storm the trains are cancelled and they are staying overnight in the airport. They are taking the train for time pass.
  I got a mail from my friend that her flight finally took off after 4 hours of delay and she missed the connection flight and reached home taking 2 other flights.


  1. are now shoeless Sri??? :)

  2. nah Sheila got the shoe back once we got inside the airport :)

  3. so...your friend went shoeless back home???

  4. @Sheila,
    nice; sri has to explain this..

  5. haiyoo haiyoo
    she had her heels in her handbag! cant u think of that :)

  6. ok I'm thinking....heels in handbag...and your big shoes on her feet...and U walking barefoot beside her...
    hmmmmmmmm....pretty pic indeed!!! :)

  7. ponnuna paniyilaum bare footooda nadappan Sri

  8. aaah mudiyalai :)
    I have more than one pair of shoe , I gave my spare shoe to her and got it in backpack on the way back home!
    clear ?

  9. seri seri Sri...romba alaraathe...ALL clear now...
    ippo andha ponnu pota un shoe le kaal padaama poojai panriyaa??? :)

  10. nah I wore it to starbucks today to meet another girl there :)

  11. poyum poyum unakku yaar "Sriram" nnu peyar vacchaanga!!!

  12. @Sri
    so did you take your back pack to airport?

  13. yupp I used to take it where ever I go :)
