Monday, October 31, 2011

~~halloween kids~~

  This is my first Halloween in new york and I remembered to stock up few candies for the kids to give. When ever a kid knocks for trick or treat I engaged in small talk before giving out candies. First I tried guessing out what they were ,talked about their costumes and finally gave the candies. One cute girl was dressed up as a kitten and I asked her where is her tail, one of my neighbour's kid dressed up as a Japanese animation character and I asked her to speak in Japanese. Finally there was a small five year old kid came along with his mum, since he was shy to speak I started the conversation, looking at white powdered chubby cheeks and red lipstick all over the mouth I told him you looking cute as a clown. He was about to cry and said no I am a Zombie, then I acted to be frightened and gave the candies. Evening went better than expected :)