Friday, October 7, 2011

~~Movie I watched~~

 This weekend I am spending in Boston. So while travelling on bus I thought I would see a movie based on that place. So I am came across this movie.

The movie is based out in Boston. The movie beings in October 2003 a girl meets a nice guy,they fall in love and enjoy the winter. Her friends say this guy is too good to be single for such a long time, she says couldn't find one. The following spring she finds out he is a crazy red sox fan attending each and every game. This jeopardize their relationship. The movie goes along the famous 2004 series and was good to watch during the ride.

1 comment:

  1. heyy Sri...njoyyyyyy our hometown!!! Our downtown is really charming!!
    njoyyyyyy the splendor of autumn in New England!!

    Flume, Loon Mountain and Kankamagus highway ABSOLUTE MUST!!! Drag Priya to take you there :)

    Waiting to see your pics when u get back...
    (Woww...never thought i wud get soooo excited hearing u r going to our hometown) :))
