Saturday, October 8, 2011

~~Fall Colors~~

  As per Sheila/Sundu's suggestion took a drive to Kankamagus highway located in white mountains in New Hampshire to see the fall colors. The weather was wonderful and we had record high temperatures after 42 years making trip all more pleasant in October. There was trees with different colors from green, orange ,red and  mix of all the other colors.

As such pictures can't do justice whats seen by the real eyes but any ways above are  few of the pictures we took today.


  1. camera can do justice to NE fall colors!!!

    After seeing it for 15 yrs...all I have to do is close my eyes...and the myriad of fall foliage flash before me :)

  2. Can never forget the first Fall Foliage I experienced in New Hamphshire - 1992! FF colrs are permenently etched in my memory :)
