Wednesday, September 21, 2011

~~Visit to Brooklyn book festival(2)~~

  The book festival had lots of stalls and I was gazing through each and every one. Most of them had the author in it signing their books for the fans. Since I am living a frugal life I can't afford new books and rather be content reading from the library.

 When I was going through the stands one of the sign below caught my attention h, the author name was Goodloe Byron. He goes around US giving his book for free calling as zero dollar tour. So I picked one book from from there ;)

The book I picked was The Wraith seems like teen fiction!


  1. guess thats ur xmas gift for the girls :)

  2. @ Thiru,

    Make sure u don't land up with Sri in a place like this.. :)

  3. @Sumi
    hehe that festival is full of entertainment :)

    neenga 1st vaanga ,will take u to lots of place :)
