Tuesday, September 20, 2011

~~Visit to Brooklyn book festival~~

        The Brooklyn Book Festival is the largest literary event in New York City and it was held last week. We had various authors writing all sorts genres visiting the festival and signing the books for their fans. Sunday was the last day of the festival and there were few famous authors speaking on that day. When I reached there the place was pretty crowded.

    First I went to the talk by Jhumpa Lahiri who was the  BoBi Award winner ,the event happened in the church and by the time I was there it was fully packed . She talked about her writing career and about people who influences her writing. then I went to the talk by Chris Lehmann author of Rich people things , he was talking about the US economy and the policy decisions taken by the congress.

Once the talk was over I remembered the Thirukural "செவிக்கு உணவு இல்லாதபோது சிறிது வயிற்றிக்கு ஈயப்படும்"  and went on to have a cup cake :)

1 comment:

  1. I felt so depressed after reading Jhumpa Lahri's "Namesake" that I started avoiding her books
