Sunday, September 25, 2011

~~Movies I saw~~

  When I watched the trailer of the movie Moneyball last month I decided I should see this movie as soon as it got released. The movie was released this weekend and I watched in AMC along with Diana and Ganesh.Written by Micheal Lewis the movie is based on a true story. Movie is about how the business in baseball is done, how money plays an important role and winning is even more important.

Brad Pitt stars as Billy Bean who failed as a baseball player even though he was predicted to be prodigy at young age. When he is the general manager of Oakland A's team he hires an economist to his team, who studies various statistics and hires players on specific individual talents which general people fail to see.After initial hiccups his team delivers and becomes the first team in major league history to win 20 games at a stretch. The movie was well taken with flashbacks in between with right sequences and dialogues at right time.

1 comment:

  1. Good movie after a long time. Thx Sriram for taking me to see Brad Pitt movie :))
