Monday, September 26, 2011

~~Links I liked~~

1)Caitlin's Blog
Remember my friend from US who went to work in Chennai ,she has started writing her blog. I have also added to list of blogs I follow.

2)US Foreign Policy on South Asia
  Its a long detailed post about the foreign policy of US with respect to India and Pakistan spanning over the last 50 years.

3)Baby Animals:
   I got irritated with google search today as it was always pointing me to open Google+ first, so changed to bing, there was link to search pictures of baby animals and that is what I got.

4)Moneyball Song
    Song from a cute 12 year girl from yesterday's movie.

1 comment:

  1. I'm also following your friend's blog and it's interesting to read about her impressions of our homeland..

    Luv the cute baby animals
