Monday, September 12, 2011

~~Milking a cow - Hands on experiance~~

  When I went to Baltimore farm fair last week, there was a separate section where we were allowed to milk the cow ourselves. Since it was unique opportunity I wanted to try that, since most the people standing in the queue were kids I dragged Navya along with me even she hesistated a little in the begining. After waiting for few minutes in the queue we got the chance to try our hand with the cow. First we were given instructions and then we were allowed to try it out

Steps followed
1)Make sure to secure the cow in a position
2)Place a bucket under the udder
3)make sure hands are clean and apply lubricant to avoid friction
4)slowly squeeze the teats from up to down gently
5)Continue until all the milk is got or when the bucket is full

1)make sure you give hay to cow while milking
2)handle the cow gently if you surprise her ,you will get kicked and also get to visit hospital
3)cow can kick the bucket also and you will lose all milk
4)sometimes it can drop big pie in middle of milking so make sure you are prepared for it!

happy milking :)


  1. Sri....PLEASE don't allow KG's comments here :))

  2. Ha Ha Ha :) :)

    Sounds like "Pick your own Strawberries" which we love to do!!! How many buckets of milk you got out of the poor Cow??

    Also, how many kicks you received ;)

  3. I'm more interested in knowing how many kicks :)

  4. haha since its just for practice I milked less than an ounce and since I was friendly no kicks :)

  5. following, shiel's "alaral', i'll refrain from commenting..

    btw, any chance of you visiting Netherlands?
